Los snacks son deliciosos, especialmente las alitas y los aros de cebolla. ¡Totalmente recomendados!

Sofía L.

A wall of vending machine compartments offering various fast food items, each with a specific type of snack behind glass doors. The display features bright yellow signs with descriptions of the food items like burgers and kroketten.
A wall of vending machine compartments offering various fast food items, each with a specific type of snack behind glass doors. The display features bright yellow signs with descriptions of the food items like burgers and kroketten.

Me encantaron las tiras coronel y las papa gajo. Un sabor increíble y entrega rápida. Volveré a pedir.

Carlos G.

A street food cart displaying a large quantity of crispy, round snacks inside a glass case. The cart is adorned with colorful signage in a local script, and there are bags of snacks stored beside the main display. In the background, a marketplace is visible with various fruits and people.
A street food cart displaying a large quantity of crispy, round snacks inside a glass case. The cart is adorned with colorful signage in a local script, and there are bags of snacks stored beside the main display. In the background, a marketplace is visible with various fruits and people.